Learn Quran’s mission is to provide the best solutions to learn Quran. Using the power of IT, our products LQ Tajwid and LQ Tafsir have been used by more than 2 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work.
Imsak and Iftar Timings Ramadan 2020/1441H
If you use Android phone, you can make it shown on your Home Screen to see it easier with a help of an app widget. Search the app in the Play Store with keyword “picture widget”.
Jadwal Imsakiah Romadhon Tahun 2020/1441H
Jika Anda menggunakan HP Android, Anda bisa membuatnya ada di Home Screen Anda agar lebih mudah melihatnya dengan bantuan aplikasi. Cari aplikasinya di Play Store dengan kata “photo widget”.