Tiap insan berbeda. Aku, kau, jua ia masing-masing memiliki cara. Ada yang memiliki tipe belajar audio, visual maupun kinestetik. Tips berikut bisa disesuaikan sesuai karakter individu masing-masing.
Tips Menghafal Qur’an Bagian Pertama
Beberapa kalimat serupa yang seringkali menghujani para penghafal Qur’an. Bak teka-teki yang tak jua terungkap hingga khalayak terus terjerat pada pertanyaan yang sama; bagaimana metode menghafal?
Lahirnya Sebuah Aplikasi Belajar Al-Quran dari Perut Bangsa
Sebagian dari kita mungkin tidak asing lagi dengan Tempat Pendidikan Al-Quran atau TPA yang dahulu didaftarkan orang tua kita untuk mempelajari Al-Quran dari usia dini.
Getting Closer to Al-Quran: the Muslim Millennials Ways
In Islam, the Holy Quran is believed as the one true guideline that human beings should look up to and apply in their everyday situations. Comprised of 114 surahs, the Quran acts as the most perfect reference compared to prior ancient holy books, as believed by Muslims.
Advices and Things To Learn from Surah Maryam
Do you need advice? Many times when we are experiencing difficulty people will tell us to recite the Qur’an or to find solace within the pages of the Qur’an.
4 Muslim Women Role Models Everyone Should Look Up To
Other than the obvious Khadijah bint Khuwaylid and Aisha bint Abu Bakr, here is the list of five muslim women role models who you probably have not heard before
How thousands of Muslims learn to read the Quran
Easy Guides to Learning Tajweed Rules from the Scratch
The beauty of Quran recitation lies on the tajweed. Tajweed itself means ‘proficiency’ or ‘doing something well’ which implies that there are rules to be observed.
Is It Okay to Learn and Read Quran Translation without Learning the Arabic?
As the second largest religion in the world, Islam adherents consist of 1.62 billion people or 23% of the human population on earth. That is really a huge number.
Self-teach Yourself Quran Recitation by Listening to Quran Online
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The most superior among you (Moslems) are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” [Sahih Bukhari (Book #61, Hadith #546)