End of April 2018, Learn Quran Tafsir is launched with the English version. Then, one of the LQ Team, Asma, had an opportunity to introduce this Quran’s Google to Muslims Community in the Australia. She joined International Business Readiness-A course for leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators of technology enabled startup, held by Australia Award. Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is their partner university. Learn Quran is the only Muslim startup as the representative from Indonesia, Masha Allah. Let’s check her story below.
From April 27 to May 13, 2018, she traveled to Sydney, Adelaide, and Brisbane. She followed a series of lectures, site visitations, networking sessions, and meeting several local Muslim communities. Not only interesting lectures about growing business as startups, but she also found valuable ukhuwwah islamiyyah while introducing LQ Tafsir as the first Quran search engine with Artificial Intelligence technology.
Asma created a sharing session to the Indonesia Muslim community, also known as IQRO Foundation in Sydney, to introduce LQ Tafsir as a tool to learn more about Quran. Then, she moved to Adelaide where she met Fairus, a Muslimah from Australia. She brought Asma to UNISA’s (University of South Australia) Islamic Student Society who were running a campaign to introduce Islam with Quran. Ibrahim, one of its member was interested in using LQ Tafsir.
In Brisbane, Asma met a representative from Muslim Student Association of QUT, Falihin. Lastly, she met with the Indonesia Muslim community in Brisbane (IISB) where most of the members are permanent residents of Australia, students, and Australian citizens from Indonesia.
Great experience
During her 15-day journey, Asma not only learned from the classroom sessions, but she also gained invaluable experience to witness how people live there, respect each others, and follow the rules. Australia is truly a different country, unlike Indonesia with its homogenous society and predominant Muslim community. Alhamdulillah, Learn Quran Tafsir have positive responses for the Muslim communities in Australia.
May this journey creates barakah and bring benefits for the ummah, Insha Allah.