Allah said, “Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof to his credit.” [Quran 6:160] * Ibn Rajab (d. 1393…
A Supertition About Marriage in Shawwal
Allah said, “But when good came to them, they said, “This is ours by right.” And if a bad condition struck them, they saw an…
People of the Cave and Their Silver Coins
In January 250, an Emperor of Roman, named Decius (d. 251), issued one of the most remarkable imperial edicts which written there: “All the inhabitants…
Equality in Islam
According to a tradition mentioned by Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), the elites of the Quraish said to Prophet Muhammad, may peace and salutation be upon him, that they considered it below their dignity to sit with such indigent people as Bilal, Suhaib, ‘Ammar, Khabbab, Ibn-Mas`ud and the like who generally remained in his company. They said only if he should send them away, they would be willing to attend his meetings in order to learn Islam.
Having Non-Muslim Friends
Al-Baydhawi (d. 1286) mentioned in his tafsir that here Jamblichus (Tamlicha), a muslim, was talking and discussing several issues with Peter, who was a disbeliever in this case.
The Best Ten Days of Year
Ibn Abbas (d. 687) and other Companions explained that these “ten nights” refer to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.
Saying “If Allah wills”
Quraysh wanted to challenge Prophet Muhammad because they wanted to ridicule him and show that he wasn’t a authentic prophet.
The Expiation of Sins During Two Years
Arafah day (9th Dhulhijjah) is the best day of year according to the vast majority of scholars as Al-Nawawi (d. 1277) said.
The First Day
Five years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessing be upon him), in 638 CE, the dating of the Islamic calendar was firstly introduced by the second caliph
Was Iblis a Fallen Angel?
One of interesting issues to talk about, even actually it has no essential effect to our faith, is the question about the origin of Iblis.