Ditulis oleh : Ust. Nur Fajri Romadhon, Lc., MA., Al-Hafizh Mayoritas ulama menilai bolehnya membaca mushaf di kala seseorang salat, baik salat sunnah maupun salat…
Tanda Ruku’ Ada Sebelum Suatu Bahasan Dalam Surat Usai
Pertanyaan: Mengapa tanda ‘Ain di surat Al-Baqarah ayat 245 dan 249 bermasalah? Tidak sesuai dengan suatu topik bahasan. Jawaban: Tanda ‘Ain (ع) dalam sebagian mushaf…
4 Things You Can Do in Ramadan with Learn Quran
Ramadan is the most special month of the year and a good chance to learn more about Quran. It is the month of Quran revelation as it mentioned here
The Endless Exam-Reward Cycle
Whoever survives and shows his consistency upon Allah’s guidance even in difficult times, would be granted many benefits in this life even before the Hereafter according to several verses.
Persiapan Membaca dan Mengerti Kitab Suci Al Quran
Di artikel sebelumnya sudah dibahas, bagaimana aplikasi Learn Quran Tajwid bisa muncul dan dapat dinikmati oleh kita semua hanya dengan mengunduh di App Store atau Play Store.
Interview with Hafidhah: Mega and Fatma from Indonesia
We talked with two hafidhahs, Ms. Mega and Ms. Fatma, hafidhah and teachers at Shalihah Quran Center. Ms. Mega is currently a master student at Institute of Quran Studies (IIQ) after graduated from Islamic and Arabic College of Indonesia (LIPIA)
Tips Menghafal Qur’an Bagian Kedua (terakhir)
Tiap insan berbeda. Aku, kau, jua ia masing-masing memiliki cara. Ada yang memiliki tipe belajar audio, visual maupun kinestetik. Tips berikut bisa disesuaikan sesuai karakter individu masing-masing.
Tips Menghafal Qur’an Bagian Pertama
Beberapa kalimat serupa yang seringkali menghujani para penghafal Qur’an. Bak teka-teki yang tak jua terungkap hingga khalayak terus terjerat pada pertanyaan yang sama; bagaimana metode menghafal?
4 Muslim Women Role Models Everyone Should Look Up To
Other than the obvious Khadijah bint Khuwaylid and Aisha bint Abu Bakr, here is the list of five muslim women role models who you probably have not heard before
Easy Guides to Learning Tajweed Rules from the Scratch
The beauty of Quran recitation lies on the tajweed. Tajweed itself means ‘proficiency’ or ‘doing something well’ which implies that there are rules to be observed.