Learn Quran’s mission is to provide the best solutions to learn Quran. Using the power of IT, our products LQ Tajwid and LQ Tafsir have been used by more than 2 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work.
Imsak and Iftar Timings Ramadan 2020/1441H
If you use Android phone, you can make it shown on your Home Screen to see it easier with a help of an app widget. Search the app in the Play Store with keyword “picture widget”.
Jadwal Imsakiah Romadhon Tahun 2020/1441H
Jika Anda menggunakan HP Android, Anda bisa membuatnya ada di Home Screen Anda agar lebih mudah melihatnya dengan bantuan aplikasi. Cari aplikasinya di Play Store dengan kata “photo widget”.
Quality Assurance Tester Vacancy
We are looking for a quality assurance tester for an accounting software as a teammate. We don’t require any degree, though it’s good if you have. Highly passionate fresh grad is welcome.
Web Developer Vacancy
We are looking for a web developer as a teammate. We don’t require any degree, though it’s good if you have. Highly passionate fresh grad is welcome.
Lowongan Sales Staff
Barang Amal (BA) adalah bagian dari Learn Quran yang bergerak di bagian pengumpulan dan penjualan barang bekas. Bagi kami, BA adalah pekerjaan dunia akhirat dengan tujuan untuk:
Marketing Executive Vacancy
Learn Quran Tajwid (LQTajwid)’s mission is to provide the best solution to learn to recite Quran. Using the power of IT, LQTajwid have been used by more than 1.5 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work. For more information, visit www.tajwid.learn-quran.co
Showing Praises with Takbir
There is no mercy greater than when Allah grants us simplicity to worship Him. Leaving Ramadan after being blessed with variety kinds of worship is an extraordinary God’s compassion.
Surah Al-Kahf at A Glance
This 110-verse chapter is considered as one of the most popular surahs in Quran. It is due to several hadiths related to some virtues of this Meccan surah. The Prophet said, “Whoever reads surah Al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.
Vacancy: Web Developer
In order to help ummah learn to recite the Quran better, Learn Quran Tajwid want to connect Quran teachers and students all over the world with its new web feature.