A friend of mine asked me hours ago, “If Quran is complete, why then there is no life guidance similar to those popular seven habits written three decades ago?”
Avoiding Misunderstanding Quran by Reading Tafsir Books
Many Muslims claim that learning tafsir is not part of learning the Qur’an. They think that it is only the duty of scholars.
Learn Quran Tafsir is now Available in English
Alhamdulillah, Learn Quran Foundation has launched a free online tafsir website in English version: tafsir.learn-quran.co
Makki and Madani Verses in Qur’an
We find in the Qur’an some surahs labeled as either Makki or Madani, so we must know what is meant by these terms. To begin with, almost all scholars agreed that Makki surah is surah which consists Makki verses as its majority part. On the other hand, the Madani surah is dominated with Madani verses.
LQ Meets Peter Gould and Muslim Innovation
Muslim innovators has been around from long time ago. Ibn Sina and Al Khwarizmi are some of them, but now Muslim community has a new generation of innovative and creative Muslims.
Never Underestimate Something Based on Few Data: Humans
Here we see angels didn’t respect humans because they only knew that humans will make messes in the world like creatures prior to them. They thought that they are enough to worship Allah and make Him please.
The Endless Exam-Reward Cycle
Whoever survives and shows his consistency upon Allah’s guidance even in difficult times, would be granted many benefits in this life even before the Hereafter according to several verses.
Menghafal Quran di Tengah Kesibukan
Zaman dulu menghafal Al-Quran merupakan sebuah hal yang tabu, tapi saat ini menghafal Al-Quran seolah menjadi tren tersendiri di tengah masyarakat. Salah satunya diantara para mahasiswa.
Persiapan Membaca dan Mengerti Kitab Suci Al Quran
Di artikel sebelumnya sudah dibahas, bagaimana aplikasi Learn Quran Tajwid bisa muncul dan dapat dinikmati oleh kita semua hanya dengan mengunduh di App Store atau Play Store.
Interview with Hafidhah: Mega and Fatma from Indonesia
We talked with two hafidhahs, Ms. Mega and Ms. Fatma, hafidhah and teachers at Shalihah Quran Center. Ms. Mega is currently a master student at Institute of Quran Studies (IIQ) after graduated from Islamic and Arabic College of Indonesia (LIPIA)