WAIN ‘UDTUM, ‘UDNAA(Jika Kalian -Wahai Bani Israil- Kembali Berbuat Jahat, Allah Akan Kembali Menghukum Kalian) oleh: Nur Fajri Romadhon[1] “In occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli border…
Tanda Ruku’ Ada Sebelum Suatu Bahasan Dalam Surat Usai
Pertanyaan: Mengapa tanda ‘Ain di surat Al-Baqarah ayat 245 dan 249 bermasalah? Tidak sesuai dengan suatu topik bahasan. Jawaban: Tanda ‘Ain (ع) dalam sebagian mushaf…
Pengulangan di QS. 2: 253
Pertanyaan: Di surat Al-Baqarah ayat 253, mengapa setelah sudah berfirman: ‘Kalau Allah menghendaki, niscaya orang-orang setelah mereka tidak akan berbunuh-bunuhan’, kemudian masih berfirman: ‘Kalau Allah…
[Renungan Juz 2]
Di juz dua, di ayat ke-143 dari surat Al-Baqarah yang total ayatnya 286, tepat di “pertengahan” surat, Allah sebut bahwa umat Islam adalah umat yang…
[Renungan Juz 1]
Jiwa yang telah terwarnai dengan shibghah (celupan) Allah memang begitu berbeda (2: 138). Tak seperti Iblis yang secara arogan mencari-cari pembenaran atas salahnya (2: 34),…
Surah Al-Kahf at A Glance
This 110-verse chapter is considered as one of the most popular surahs in Quran. It is due to several hadiths related to some virtues of this Meccan surah. The Prophet said, “Whoever reads surah Al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.
Striking A Balance Between Glad Tidings and Warning
Ibn Ashur (d. 1973) explained how this verse goes together with prior verses. After Allah stated that mankind tends to argue and reject the truth and this refusal surely makes the Prophet depressed, Allah consoles His Prophet by reminding him his missions.
Have You Begun The Six-Day Fasting of Shawwal?
Allah said, “Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof to his credit.” [Quran 6:160] * Ibn Rajab (d. 1393…
A Supertition About Marriage in Shawwal
Allah said, “But when good came to them, they said, “This is ours by right.” And if a bad condition struck them, they saw an…
People of the Cave and Their Silver Coins
In January 250, an Emperor of Roman, named Decius (d. 251), issued one of the most remarkable imperial edicts which written there: “All the inhabitants…